Systematic Efforts to Actualize Sustained Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Computing Disciplines
Arshia Khan
Sherri L. Turner
Anne Hinderliter
Eric E. Hessler
The persistent underrepresentation of women, racial and ethnic minorities, and marginalized groups in computing fields highlights the need for sustained, systemic efforts to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). This paper explores strategic approaches to embedding DEI into the institutional frameworks of higher education computing disciplines, emphasizing the sustainability of these efforts. It examines existing barriers to inclusion and presents evidence-based recommendations for fostering sustained change through policy reform, long-term mentorship, inclusive curricula, and leadership accountability. The authors emphasize the need for collaborative partnerships with K-12 institutions and community organizations; the paper also outlines pathways for expanding access to computing education for historically marginalized populations. Finally, continuous learning and adaptation are discussed as vital components for ensuring that DEI efforts remain dynamic and responsive to evolving challenges. The paper concludes by arguing that achieving true diversity in computing requires a comprehensive, long-term commitment to dismantling structural inequities, creating inclusive environments, and fostering a culture where all voices contribute to innovation and problem-solving, thereby ensuring that diversity efforts are not only impactful but also sustainable over time.