Teacher Perception of Diffusion and Adoption of the New Primary School Curriculum in Buea Municipality of the South West Region of Cameroon
Fedelis Lekeaka Alemnge
The study set out to find OUT primary school teachers’ perception and adoption of the reformed primary school curriculum in Buea Municipality of the South West Region of the Republic of Cameroon. Findings showed that teachers were introduced to the curriculum through annual in-service training seminars and workshops. This met an initial resistance, since they were not part of the reform process, and had very little or no knowledge about the reform. Having encountered that, they were in agreement that it was organised into five domains of various weights, shifted the paradigm from the traditional teacher-centred to a learner-centred curriculum with wholesale changes on various elements that constitute the fabric of the curriculum. Adoption started very slowly, owing to the initial resistance to the reform, peaked in the second year, and continued a decreasing downward trend to engulf all teachers by the 2023 school year.