Literary Translation in the Light of Literal Translation and Free Translation--A Case Study of The Peanut By Zhang Peiji

Chen Zhiqiang
Historically speaking, translation approaches, such as literal translation and free translation, have always been the focal point of different translation theorists. Such translation methods are frequently used in various kinds of texts. It is obviously seen that such methods are one of the translation criteria they have always been following. The paper, under the guidance of the most common concept of literal translation and free translation approaches, makes analysis of them in the literary text such as The Peanut. In this text rendered into English, the translator has made use of three different translation approaches such as literal translation, free translation and literal plus free translation. Such endeavors distinguish the advantage and disadvantage of these translation approaches, accurately and smoothly reproduce the original meaning, and eventually help the target readers promote the understanding of original language effectively.
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ISSN(Online): 2766-6778

Frequency: Quarterly

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