Assessing the Main Causes of Second Grade Students’ Classroom Disciplinary Problem: The Cause of Bakel Primary School in Finote Selam Town

Yenenesh Workneh
Background: Students’ classroom disciplinary problem (CDP) is the most prevalent problem that disrupts the educational process in both primary and secondary schools, and affects the educational system and brought a great impact on the teaching-learning process (Teshome, 2013). The problem is existed all over the school and it is hard and unavoidable to both new and experienced teachers (Qahtani1, 2016). Sample and method: second grade classroom teachers and the school Vice-director were selected purposively as the participant for this study. The data collected through questionnaire, interview and classroom observation were analyzed more on qualitatively. Result: Students’ CDP in second grade of Bakel Primary school is a serious problem and being an obstacle for the teaching-learning progress. Low income families, working parents, dysfunctional families, teachers, learners’ attitudes, peer pressure, mass media and classroom were identified as main causes for students’ CDP. Different CDP were identified; laughing, joking, talking out of turn, shout loudly, not listening, and pushing on a chair, looking out, fighting, sleeping, and not doing the tasks and so on. Eye contact, exposing indiscipline students and making them to tell stories and sing songs, making and applying classroom rules, working with parents are some techniques used by teachers to minimize students CDP. Parental involvements, completing materials needed for students, giving advice, prevent children not focusing on movie; kindergartens should do on students’ discipline were the perception of respondents as a solution to prevent students’ CDP. Conclusion: first understanding the causes of students’ CDP and then using suitable strategies and possible solutions for minimizing and preventing the problem to create smooth and functioning classroom teaching-learning environment. Implication: Students’ CDP is serious problem in both primary and secondary schools. Therefore, every concerned body should work cooperatively on discipline case and understand the major causes in order to find the possible solution for the problem.
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ISSN(Online): 2998-7679

Frequency: Semiannually

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